Reviews about: Kit Banana Booster PRO

    4 out of 5 stars!
    Sunday, August 14, 2016
    Just built a second Banana booster pro for a friend of mine.
    Would like to share my building experience:

    -after completing the kit, and firing it up, I got a nasty motorboating hiss on the output with the level pot all cranked up. Some capacitive coupling between the wiring I guess...
    Decided to remove the standard wiring in the signal path to and from S1 and put screened cable ininstead...Motorboating gone, my friend ( and I ) happy :-)

    Tube-Town Comment 30. Aug. 2016: Thank you for your feedback. Please note: motorboating is a hint for a bad ground connection and has nothing to do with shielded or not-shielded wires in this case.
    Kit Banana Booster PRO