Reviews about: Kit LNDVerb

    5 out of 5 stars!
    Wednesday, August 30, 2023
    I installed LNDverb to my 1958 Hammond C-3 organ. It needed a little bit tweaking, so to share: \r\n\r\nR52 = 1M, R13 = 220k. Dwell pot replaced with 220k resistor, one end to ground, one end tied to both of the remaining terminals. Use input B, take signal from wiper of the AO-28 tone knob wiper. \r\n\r\nThen on, the mix knob did not work as stock. So I rewired it as regular voltage divider: input (\"top\") from \"mixin1\", wiper back to \"mixin2\" via 220k resistor, output from the whole spring reverb back to 12BH7 pin 7 (where the wire from the wiper went originally). \r\n\r\nI used some 60 cm long shielded 2-conductor (ie. 2 + shield) wire from the unit to bottom of the organ, where I mounted the control pot on a small L bracket. \r\n\r\nSounds wonderful, and the levels are just right!\r\n
    Kit LNDVerb