Reviews about: Sovtek 6L6 WXT+ STR430 - QUAD

    5 out of 5 stars!
    Saturday, May 25, 2024
    Well built quality tubes.\r\nI bought a first set of 4 to replace the original tubes I had on a pair of fender hotrods. I\'ve been touring a lot with the amps and the tubes are doing a very good job.\r\nI\'m not the sort of guy that will start debating and compering on wich tube sounds better than the other.\r\nWhen it comes to replacing tubes, considering that I\'m a professional guitarist I don\'t really care about the price.\r\nThe extra money will most surely be worth spending in the long term and anyway it isn\'t that much of a price difference so...\r\nAll I can say is that the amps soud great and the build quality seems very good.\r\nSo I\'m buying another set of 4 for my 1975 siverface twin.\r\nI recommend.
    Sovtek 6L6 WXT+ STR430 - QUAD