Electro Harmonix

EH 12AT7 / ECC81
Superior large plate format Twin Triode, ideal for use in driver and reverb circuits. Offers superior dissipation compared to NOS versions of this tube.
Excellent 12AT7 choice choice for HiFi and guitar amp circuits.
Electro-Harmonix tubes are all new designs and are of excellent quality. Many OEMs use relabeled Electro-Harmonix vacuum tubes in their amplifiers. If you want great sounding tubes at a very reasonable price, then Electro-Harmonix tubes should be on your list.
16,90 €

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EH 12AT7 / ECC81 - Balanced

TT Selection: Balanced
Both systems with balanced gain

Large Plate 12AT7 / ECC81

22,50 €

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EH 12AT7 / ECC81 Gold
  • Large Plate 12AT7 / ECC81
  • Gold-Pins
31,90 €

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EH 12AT7 / ECC81 V1
Large Plate 12AT7 / ECC81
22,50 €

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EH 12AT7WC / ECC81
  • Short plate format for extra low microphonics
  • 12AT7 / ECC81
Old price: 22,40 €
Only 18,90 €
Offer valid until: 08.04.2025"
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EH 12AU7 / ECC82
  • Medium-Mu twin triode for use in preamplifier and driver circuits
16,60 €

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EH 12AU7 / ECC82 Gold
  • Medium-Mu twin triode for use in preamplifier and driver circuits
  • Gold PINs
32,00 €

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EH 12AX7 / ECC83
EH 12AX7 / ECC83
  • The 12AX7EH provides high gain with ultra low noise and detailed, musical tone that rivals the most desirable NOS types.
19,80 €

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EH 12AX7 / ECC83 Balanced

TT Selection: Balanced
Both systems with balanced gain

  • The 12AX7EH provides high gain with ultra low noise and detailed, musical tone that rivals the most desirable NOS types.
28,20 €

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EH 12AX7 / ECC83 Gold
  • Premium gold pin version of 12AX7. High gain preamplifier tube with ultra low noise and detailed musical tone.
  • gold PINs
29,90 €

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EH 12AX7 / ECC83 V1

TT Selection: V1 - Low Noise
This tube is selected for sensitive input stages (V1)

  • The 12AX7EH provides high gain with ultra low noise and detailed, musical tone that rivals the most desirable NOS types.
28,20 €

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EH 12BH7

Medium-Mu twin triode driver tube. 3.5 watts dissipation per plate.

22,50 €

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EH 12DW7 / ECC832

Dissimilar twin triode preamplifier tube used in vintage Ampeg amplifiers. This tube is 1/2 12AX7 and 1/2 12AU7.

31,80 €

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EH 2A3 Gold - PAIR

Premium high-performance version of single-plate Sovtek 2A3 with gold grid for exceptional bias stability.

178,00 €
89,00 € per Piece

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EH 2A3 Gold - SINGLE

Single tube, not matched.
Premium high-performance version of single-plate Sovtek 2A3 with gold grid for exceptional bias stability.

89,00 €

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EH 300B - PAIR

2 Tubes, matched as pair

Ultra-long life, top-quality construction, and superior sonics make it the finest 300B available today. Like the original Western Electric 300B, our 300BEH has the 8 course directly heated filament, 40 watt plate dissipation, classic large shoulder tube glass, and are available singly or in precision matched pairs. The 300B EH's plate curves and static DC characteristics (plate resistance, transconductance, mu) also exactly match the originals so you can drop them into any vintage or modern 300B amp and realize the finest performance of any 300B made today.

209,00 €
104,50 € per Piece

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EH 300B Gold - PAIR

Improving upon standard 300B grids, which are typically made of pure nickel, the gold plating reduces grid current and adds effective improvements to the overall grid function. Given that all triode power amps draw some amount of grid current whether they're playing softly or at full blast, this stabilizing effect will offer enhanced sound and durability. So go for the gold!

280,00 €
140,00 € per Piece

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This classic big bottle rectifier is the tube of choice for those famous, dual-rectifier amps. Clean and detailed while maintaining a warm and sweet tone, the 5U4GBEH offers gorgeous tube compression and articulate AC/DC conversion. The most desirable replacement ever built.

21,90 €

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EH 6922 / E88CC

High frequency twin triode preamplifier tube used in studio and hi-fi equipment.

24,80 €

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EH 6922 / E88CC Gold

Premium Gold Pin Version of the EH 6922

39,60 €

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EH 6973 - Pair

2 tubes, matched as pair

Beam power tube used in vintage Gretsch and Magnatone amplifiers.
This is a real 6973, not a rebrand of a "close" tube.

58,80 €
29,40 € per Piece

incl. VAT excl. Shipping costs
EH 6973 - Quad

4 tubes, matched as quad

Beam power tube used in vintage Gretsch and Magnatone amplifiers.
This is a real 6973, not a rebrand of a "close" tube.

117,60 €
58,80 € per Piece

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EH 6BM8 / ECL82

Triode-pentode used in low power hi-fi amplifiers.

31,50 €

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1 to 24 (from a total of 53)