Custom Shop Acryl glas laser cutting
- Material: 3 mm Acryl glas Type GS
- Working area: 600 x 300 mm
- Colors: see option list
- Engraving: NO
- Cutting: Yes
- Resolution: max. 500 dpi
- Machining: Laser
How does it work ?
First of all you should read the documents and infos on the
TT LaserShop Pages !
a) Select the required size, material and color combination
Hint: Several objects can be placed on a work surface, so cost-efficient material processing is possible.
b) Submit the order through the online shop.
c) Prepare the artwork according to our specifications and send it by e-mail.
d) That's it. The rest is our job.
Note on the data check option
With the initial order of a new faceplate, a logo or something similar we highly recommend to choose the optional "data check".
Here, we test the artwork for basis errors and make smaler corrections like incorrect defined cutting lines (only if this lines are colored in red), wrong font colors or an incorrect color mode. This helps to significantly reduce errors.
We do NOT check for layout errors or mistakes in the content. The customer is fully responsible for his artwork and layout.
In a repeated order the standard data check is not necessary since all data are available from the first order. Please let us know the file number which was given on the initial invoice in this case.